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One Day Paint Projects: Updating Kitchen Pantry Doors

Our friend Annie over at Ace Hardware came up with a unique way to revitalize her kitchen with a small one day paint project that also has a small price tag. The idea behind this project is two-fold: give an out-of-date kitchen pantry a current style makeover and add some functionality for family dinner menu planning. The step-by-step video is at the bottom of the page, ready to watch!


Kitchen Pantry Door Project Instructions:

Step 1: Prep your space by cleaning the surface of the pantry and spreading out drop cloths

Step 2: Tape off the edges of the pantry glass

Step 3: Mix the Chalkboard paint thoroughly with either a mixing stick or pouring it back and forth between two buckets

Step 4: Apply using a 2 inch synthetic angled brush until the surface is completely covered

Step 5: Let dry for 30 minutes and then apply another one or two coats

Step 6: Let dry for at least 3 days before writing with chalk to make sure it fully cures.

Step 7: Before writing on the chalkboard surface, treat it by rubbing chalk all over the surface and then wiping off with a dry cloth

One Day Paint Projects Chalkboard Pantry

Kitchen Pantry Door Project Supplies:

Painter’s Tape

Drop Cloth

Paint Brush

Chalkboard Paint





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